Frequently Asked Questions
Many questions get answered during the property tour, but we've included some of the more frequently asked ones below.

24 Hour access to your office in Copperstone Executive Suites, high-speed WiFi, utilities, USPS mailbox, and coffee!
Yes. As a Current Tenant with an Office at Cooperstone, You Receive a 50% Discount when booking Meeting or Conference Room Space.
Also, ask about the Business Club where you can pre-pay for further discounted meeting or conference room space.
The WiFi can be described with three words: Fast - Strong - Secure.
Copperstone uses multiple access points in the building to ensure you receive strong and fast signal, and our access points require WEP2 authentication, because your business should stay your business.
There is ample parking around the exterior of the building. There is No Charge or fee to park if you are renting space or visiting.
An office lease agreement with preferred pricing typically lasts for a year.
However, shorter terms are available. Ask us for more details on your tour!